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2014-02-04 02:17:16
Last author: GlamGamer
Owner: GlamGamer
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Mystic Academy

Mystic Academy- Mystics

Mystic Protectors

Maliek Hunters

The Main Campus This is where classes take place. Breakfast, lunch and dinner is served here, as well as there being feeders available to those who live on blood. The lower levels consist of gyms and a highly advanced training simulation room. The hospital ward is also here. Classrooms make up the second level, along with the cafeteria. And there is a library on the third and fourth floor of the west wing. The east wing of the third level is additional classrooms, and the east wing fourth level is where feeders are housed.

The Mystics Dorm The dorm is divided into a male and female wing. Mystic Teachers have private rooms and bathrooms on the upper levels. Students share two to each room with a half bath available for each room (a sink and toilet). There are male and female showers for the students to share. On the lower level there are two common lounges and a kitchen in case students or teacher would like to prepare their own meals.

The Protectors Dorm Similar to the mystics dorm, it is divided by male and female wings. Protector students are two to a room with a half bath for every two bedrooms. Common showers for males and females. The second level is for Protectors, but while they have separate rooms, they share common showers. There's a kitchen and two lounges- though smaller than the Mystic's, it's still well equipped.

The Pool This pool connects the back of the Protectors dorm to the back of the Mystic's dorm. The pool is for all to share, although there is a curfew for students. There is also a pool house that acts as a lounge for everyone to gather and hang out, play games and such.

The Greenhouse The green house is located to the west of the Main Campus, directly across from the dorms.

Gardens This is part of the gardens that wrap around the entire academy grounds, backing up to the Bayou. There is a large wrought iron fence that encompasses the grounds, keeping everything from alligators to hunters out. Warded by magic, the fence also makes the campus grounds appear smaller and like a regular boarding school to humans outside of the Mystic world and the Hunters.

The Koi Pond
This massive koi pond goes from inside the greenhouse and weaves around most of the gardens, holding probably hundreds of koi, people stopped keeping track. And there's room for more. The pond is only deep in certain areas, some areas are no more than about three to three and a half feet deep. The deepest being a mini lake at nearly six feet down.

The Bayou There's a large fence protecting the school, with animal wards so even baby alligators don't try to come in.

Some School Rules

1. Powers may not and cannot be used against students, teachers or Protectors.

2. Breakfast is served at 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Lunch is served from 11:30 PM to 12:30 AM. Dinner is served from 4:00 AM to 5:00 AM.

3. Classes begin at 8:30 PM and end at 3:45 AM. Classes are from Sunday night (8:30 PM) to Thursday morning(3:45 AM).

4. Curfew is at 6:00 AM with lights out at 8:00 AM on school days. Curfew on the 'week ends' (Friday and Saturday) is altered in order to allow students to be out during the days.

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2016-03-21 [GlamGamer]: Two months later. The Castle is briming with activity, servants are running in every direction to get the palace ready for the wedding in two days. Early guests are arriving, made up of all kinds, but the majority being Fae and Nymph.

Antoinette felt sick to her stomach, gods how she wished she had a friend. A girlfriend to talk to. But she didn't have any friends that close to her anymore, not after she had learned of all of Luciana's lies and how she had played her for a fool. She glanced to her wedding dress and the dress she'd bought for her friend before the wedding. She couldn't bring herself to get rid of it. She shook her head a little and finished putting her hair back. The wild pink curls stuck out in odd directions, but she was tired of trying to get it to behave. She left her feet bare as she walked downstairs to greet her fiance for the first time.

2016-03-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana was sitting in a dive bar, yes she was underage but since this was a demon dive bar no one would ever question giving her gin. She couldn't believe what had happened within two months. She has lost all her friends because for some reason they think she's a liar. She sighed, nursing her gin and tonic as she wonders if maybe this was a curse of being the daughter of Lucifer. Yes she was meant to be alone because that meant all her friends would be happier.

2016-03-21 [GlamGamer]: Thorn looked up at the massive palace and let out a slow deep breath. He just hoped that the woman he was dreaming of turned out to be his future wife. Otherwise he and the Queen wouldn't be happy. He would never love her that way, if at all. When his car stopped he got out, looking up the long stairs and saw her there. She was beautiful, stunning in a long black skirt with a black lace crop top, porcelain pale skin with light eyes and light pink hair. He was one lucky man.. He just didnt... Fwel it, he didn't feel the sensation that he'd laid eyes on his soulmate. He put on a smile though. He could charm and dazzle.. Fake it for the next couple days. No one needed to know he had finally been dreaming of his soulmate.

Antoinette smiled a little as Thorn climbed the stairs to her, giving a deep bow before stepping forward and giving her a big hug. It was a nice hug, but it wasn't Wrath. When he entered her mind she hugged Thorn a little tighter. She needwd to get herself together.

"Do you think I'm being cruel?" Lucifer asked Lilith. Both of his children were furious with him that he was making them attend Antoinette's wedding. "Despite whatever fight the girls had, the Fae is still our ally. It would be a slap in the face not to attend.. And Wrath at least will have to learn to face the girl... And he still wont tell me why he refuses to speak to his sister."

2016-03-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana downed her gin and tonic then she waved at the barmaid to bring her another. She sighed loudly as she looked at all the photos on her phone of her and Antoinette, Wrath, Rosetta, Damon and Claude. Those photos made her heartbreak into a million bits.

Lilith looked at Lucifer."No, you're not being cruel. However I do thing we need a family meeting to clear the air between the both of them." She said as she sat next to him and she put her hand on her pregnant belly.

2016-03-21 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer nodded and leaned over, giving her a kiss. "You're right." he smiled and stood up, send his hell hounds to fetch his children. He wasn't in the mood to wait to have this bothering him any longer.

Corarose slipped into her jeans and shirt, looking at the bathroom door when the hellhound appeared. "Wrath, your dad wants you." she shouted to him. She couldn't belp it but smile. Damn her plan had worked so well, she could hardly believe it.

2016-03-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith kissed him back."Your welcome. This will take a long time to sore out between them both."

Wrath sighed as he walked out of the bathroom wearing black jeans and a black muscle shirt."Later." he said as he put his hand on the hellhound and appeared in his families home.

Luciana on the other hand didn't want to leave the bar. So she refused to leave the bar until the hellhound dragged her ass back to hell.

2016-03-21 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer sighed a little, "Yes it will." he muttered and waited for his children. "Sit." he told Wrath. When the hellhound dragged Luciana in he sealed the room so no one could leave. "Sit. Don't give me that look. Either of you."

2016-03-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath sat down but stood up when his sister appeared."Why is she here?" He snarled.

Luciana looked at Wrath with a hurt look on her face then she sat down on the sofa."Dad just let me go back to the bar, please." She whispered.

2016-03-21 [GlamGamer]: "Sit down Wrath. Now. This is not how I raised you, either of you. I want to know what the hell is going on right now. Wrath you've been distant. And you've turned your back on your sister. Speaking of, what the hell has been going on at school Luc?"

2016-03-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "School is fine."Luciana said with a sigh. The fact that she wasn't fighting to be free or insulting her father....well she defo wasn't herself.

Wrath glared at his father."No. I refuse to be in this room with that bitch."

"Wrath, don't you dare speak about Luciana like that. She is your baby sister and your her big brother so act like it." Lilith snapped.

2016-03-21 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer used his hand to shove Wrath onto the couch. "I'll deal with you in a second." he said to his daughter, walking over to his son. "What lies have been whispered into your ears."

2016-03-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana looked down at her lap.

Wrath snarled and glared at Lucifer."None of your business."

2016-03-21 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer grabbed his face with both hands, going demon face. He so rarely did anymore. His demon form was a skeleton covered in Hell fire. He stared deep into his son's soul, breaking the spell Corarose had over him, although it bothered him because he couldn't tell just who has set the spell. "Better?"

2016-03-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "Lucifer...."Lilith said softly when she watched her husband go into his demon form.

Wrath growled and snarled at Lucifer but then he stopped when he felt different, like a heavy burden had been lifted."Yeah....thanks."

2016-03-21 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer returned to his angel form and nodded, "Good.. Now, why have you been so angry with Luciana."

2016-03-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath frowned."I...don't know. I was told a bunch of lies by Corarose. She turned me against Luciana." He looked at his sister."Luc....I'm so sorry."

"It's fine."Luciana muttered.

2016-03-21 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer nodded a little. "Interesting.." he looked to his wife, not acting on that information just yet. He didn't question his daughter though. He walked over to her, pulling her close, "I don't care if you hate me. You're coming with us all to the wedding.. I have a feeling your friends might be affected Like Wrath has been. We'll get to the bottom of this."

2016-03-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana pulled away from Lucifer."I don't care. I'll go to the wedding but I won't stay long. My friends don't want me around anymore and I agree they deserve more than me. So please let me out of this room, dad."

Lilith frowned, she has never seen Luciana defeated and depressed. She would kill Corarose for making Luciana feel this blue.

2016-03-21 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer sighed softly, kissing the top of her head. "Meet us there in two hours." he said, allowing her to leave. He looked at Wrath, "Don't let Corarose know you've been freed of the magic.." he said softly. "I will handle her after unraveling whatever she's done." he made it so Wrath could leave as well. He looked to his wife and walked over to her, "I'm hoping I just found someone strong enough to break that witch's curse."

2016-03-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana shrugged."Yeah." She disappeared back to the bar.

Wrath nodded and left.

Lilith looked at Lucifer."I haven't seen Luciana that...defeated. Her fire is gone. Lucifer your daughter is depressed and that little fucking bitch Corarose is reasonable. I want her fucking dead."

2016-03-21 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer got on the floor in front of her, kissing her tummy. "I know my love." he sighed softly, "But I want my children to know love. My father ignores me everytime I beg his help... So I will keep her alive for now. Abel will make her obey. And if she can't break the spell, fine. I'll kill her.. If she can, well she'll be Abel's little pet unless I have need of her."

2016-03-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith smiled a little when he kissed her pregnant belly."When she is of no use can I please kill her?"

2016-03-21 [GlamGamer]: "Yes of course my love." Lucifer kissed her stomach again before standing and getting their things ready for the short trip to the palace. "Which dress do you want to wear to the wedding?"

2016-03-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "The red full length dress." Lilith said with a smile.

Rosetta pulled up in front of Antoinette's palace in her eco-car that was covered in daisy stickers. She parked her car and pulled out her huge suitcase then she walked over to the butt load of stairs."ugh.....stairs." She sighed and shrugged then she struggled pulling her huge heavy as hell suitcase up the stairs.

Luciana went back to the bar and drank half a bottle of gin then she went home to get ready for the wedding. She sighed as she jumped into the shower.

2016-03-21 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer nodded and packed her things.

Damion spotted her and just chuckled, "Exactly how long are you staying?" he called to her before jogging over to help. He was different, taller with big muscels. He didn't look like a boy anymore. He looked like a man. His hair was shaved in a military cut too.

Antoinette was having sweet tea with her fiance. He was funny and charming and they could be friends. But he seemed a little distant. Maybe he was just nervous?

2016-03-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "With the red satin heels, please love." Lilith said with a smile.

Rosetta froze and looked at Damion, tears welled up in her eyes as she let go of her huge suitcase."TEDDY!" She shouted as she ran down the stairs and bolted over to him, she hugged him tightly as a few tears ran down her cheeks. She hadn't seen him in two month.

Luciana got out of the shower, blow dried her hair and got dressed. She packed for the wedding, just a simple plain dress, boring shoes went into the bag.

2016-03-21 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer looked through her shoes, "With straps or without?"

Damion hugged her tightly and chuckled, "I didn't think I'd be seeing you until Christmas... Who knew an invitation from a Queen could pull so many strings?"

2016-03-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "The strapless peptoe shoes." Lilith smiled.

Rosetta nuzzled her face on his chest."I've missed you so much, Teddy." She held onto him tightly.

2016-03-21 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer nodded a little and got everything packed up, including her shoes.

Damion kissed her cheek, "I missed you too Rose." he sighed softly, "I've been in hell. How have you been?"

2016-03-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "Thank you, love."Lilith smiled and rubbed her belly.

Rosetta looked up at Damion."Oh Teddy..." She frowned."I've been stuck in Nymph school and I've been missing you like crazy. Oh and no one likes Luciana anymore."

2016-03-21 [GlamGamer]: Damion nodded a bit, "I know. I heard." he frowned a bit and then looked at her suitcase. "Let's get you inside."

Antoinette and Thorn decided to walk around the palace gardens where they wouldn't be monitored so closely. "You've been dreaming of your mate, haven't you?" She asked softly.

Thorn looked at her, "I... How did you know?"

Antoinette smiled and shrugged, "I've been in love. I looked like that too.. Do you know what she looks like?"

2016-03-22 [Cerulean Sins]: "Okay, Teddy." Rosetta smiled as she walked behind him and she jumped onto his back for a piggy back ride."Lets go, Teddy." She smiled and kissed his cheek.

2016-03-22 [GlamGamer]: Damion just laughed and picked up her suitcase, going ip the long stairs with ease.

2016-03-22 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled as she held onto him, she closed her eyes with happiness that Damion is back.

2016-03-22 [GlamGamer]: Damion told them who they were and followed instructions to their rooms, "I smell food." his tummy growled but he sighed and shook his head. If he overindulged here he'd be paying for it at school. "So, any word of the dream boy yet?"

2016-03-22 [Cerulean Sins]: "Lets dump our stuff then go get food and no word on dream boy yet."Rosetta said.

2016-03-22 [GlamGamer]: Damion nodded a bit, "Well, we'll get you food and then go walk the gardens?"

2016-03-22 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled and kissed his cheek."To the kitchen then picnic in the gardens." 

2016-03-22 [GlamGamer]: Damion chuckled and nodded, "Perfect." He set their things down in their rooms and then headed downstairs with her

2016-03-22 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled as they went to the kitchen."What's your school like?"

2016-03-22 [GlamGamer]: "Very hard but... Working so." He shrugged a little, "What about yours?"

2016-03-22 [Cerulean Sins]: "I can totally tell that your school is working. You've gotten buffer, Teddy. Look at dem muscles." She poked his arms and chest. She giggled."My school is a hippy school, Teddy."

2016-03-22 [GlamGamer]: Damion chuckled softly, "I knew that." He smiled, "I don't think you would like my school very much.."

2016-03-22 [Cerulean Sins]: "Why? Would I cry a got?"Rosetta asked.

2016-03-22 [GlamGamer]: Damion shrugged, "Maybe." He sighed, "Only one meal a day, sometimes none unless you can successfully steal it. Last week we were woken up in the middle of the night and taken out to the woods and left there with no supplies and our instructors hunting us."

2016-03-22 [Cerulean Sins]: "WHAT?!" Rosetta shouted."Your not ever going back. Your going to stay with me." She held him tighter.

2016-03-22 [GlamGamer]: Damion just chuckled softly, "No I'm not Rose.. I'm learning how to be the best protector for you."

2016-03-22 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta put her hand over his mouth."Shush! Don't kill yourself to protect me."

2016-03-22 [GlamGamer]: Damion moved her hand, "I won't. I like the challenge, even if I miss food."

2016-03-22 [Cerulean Sins]: "Well lets fatten you up, Teddy." Rosetta smiled and kissed his cheek then she got off his back and started raiding the kitchen.

2016-03-22 [GlamGamer]: Damion shook his head, "Just berries for me please." He kissed her cheek, "You can fatten me up after I graduate."

2016-03-22 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta stared at him in shock."Who the fuck are you and what have you done to my Teddy?!" She put her hand on his forehead."Your not ill...." She muttered."You're freaking me out."

2016-03-22 [GlamGamer]: Damion chuckled softly, "If I eat too much I get sick. I'd rather save space for tonight's dinner."

2016-03-22 [Cerulean Sins]: "You never eat too much. You have a life ban from all the all you can eat buffets within a 100miles radius. What have they done to you at that evil school."Rosetta frowned as she packed them a picnic.

2016-03-22 [GlamGamer]: Damion just chuckled softly, "Well, you never have to argue with me to eat my veggies."

2016-03-22 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta chuckled."True." she smiled as she handed him the picnic basket then she hopped back onto his back."Lets go to the garden, Teddy." She smiled brightly.

2016-03-22 [GlamGamer]: "You got it." He went of to the gardens with her. He let her down when they were in the gardens so that she could be with the flowers."

2016-03-22 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta sat on the grass with a smile on her face and she leaned up and took the basket off Damion and started to unpack the basket."So have you made any new friends?"

2016-03-22 [GlamGamer]: "Yeah. I've met a couple other bears that are pretty cool."

2016-03-22 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled as she picked up a piece of pineapple and took a bite."Cool. What are they called?"

2016-03-22 [GlamGamer]: "Theodore and his twin sister Tessa, Patrick, and Romeo. Romeo is already mated, over the summer I guess. Her parents have no clue... her name is Juliett." He chuckled softly.

2016-03-22 [Cerulean Sins]: "Speaking of mating...."Rosetta grinned."Have you found your mate?"

2016-03-22 [GlamGamer]: Damion just laughed, "There's no time." He ate a strawberry and shrugged

2016-03-22 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta giggled."So what are Theodore, Tessa, Patrick and Romeo like? They better be nice to you or I will end them all." She smiled.

2016-03-22 [GlamGamer]: "Romeo and Patrick are the trouble makers. Theodore and Tessa are both pretty serious, Tessa's a little more relaxed than her brother. Theodore is so serious because the water nymph he has a bond with was badly hurt during the vampire attacks. He was at school. I think he feels guilty."

2016-03-22 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta chuckled."Seems like you and Theodore are kinda the same."

2016-03-22 [GlamGamer]: Damion chuckled softly, "Yeah I guess so.." he paused when he heard talking.

Lucifer sent word to his children to meet him at the palace.

2016-03-22 [Cerulean Sins]: "What? You stopped talking?"Rosetta frowned.

Luciana set her dads note on fire then she sighed loudly then she appeared at Antoinette's castle.

Wrath picked up his backpack and appeared at Antoinette's castle next to Luciana.

2016-03-22 [GlamGamer]: "I can hear Antoinette. I suppose I should call her Queen now." Damion said

"Don't be silly, you're still my friends." Antoinette said with a smile. She looked behind her and took someone's hand, "This is Thorn Silverleaf, my fiance."

Thorn stepped out from behind the bush and smiled. He had already seen Rosetta, knew she was his soulmate, but he didn't show it. Not yet. He bowed to them, "It is good to meet you."

2016-03-22 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer took Liliths hand and met them there. He told the who he and his family was and they were led to their rooms.

2016-03-22 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta chuckled."As if we'd call her Queen." She looked over at Antoinette and Thron. She knew that Thron was her soulmate who is her friend's fiancé. Yup she was in big trouble."Antoinette!" She smiled brightly, she ran over and hugged her tightly then she pulled back from her and she looked at Thron."Hi, I'm Rosetta Belle. My father is on the Nymph council."She smiled a little. "And this bear behind me is Damion Watkins."

Lilith held Lucifer's hand."Hopefully this wedding goes well."

2016-03-22 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette returned her hug and then hugged Damion.

Thorn kept his laid back smile, "I've met your father before. He's a good man." And her father would kick his ass if he went through with the marriage and suggested his daughter b ed his lover. He was screwed. "Damion, nice to meet you as well." He shook hands with the bear. He was double screwed.

2016-03-22 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer nodded a little, "I really hope it does..." Except inside he almost hoped it didn't. For Wrath's sake

2016-03-22 [Cerulean Sins]: "I'm so excited for the wedding." Rosetta smiled brightly then she looked at Thron."You treat Antoinette right or I will get Teddy, um...I mean Damion to attack you." She smiled sweetly. It broke her that she would go through her life without a soulmate, however if Thron made Antoinette happy then her sorrow would be worth it.

2016-03-22 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith nodded."Let go to our room because my ankles are killing me."

2016-03-22 [GlamGamer]: Thorn nodded, "Of course." He said softly. He wanted to talk to her, just scoop her in his arms. He couldn't though. Not right now.

Lucifer nodded, taking her hand and going to thier room.

Andre spotted Luciana and smiled. "Well well, if it isn't Hell's badass Princess."

2016-03-22 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta nodded."Good." She looked at Antoinette."Hope you don't mind but Teddy and I raided the kitchen for our picnic. Oh and thank you for inviting Teddy, if you hadn't then I would have to wait until Christmas to see him. I think I would have cracked and flew over to Russia." Rosetta smiled and hugged Antoinette tightly.

Luciana flinched and looked at Andre."I have to go." She whispered then rushed into the palace and went to her room.

"Stupid swollen ankles."Lilith muttered as she followed Lucifer to their room.

2016-03-22 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette smiled a little, "I thought you two would want to see each other before then." She smiled brightly, "Help yourselves to anything you need and want."

Andre frowned and followed her, "Luciana wait."

2016-03-22 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled brightly."Thanks, Antoinette."

Luciana closed the door and locked the door behind her. She didn't want to deal with any bullying or anything like that. She sighed and started to unpack her back.

Lilith sat down as soon as they entered the room."Ahhhh so much better." She smiled as she laid on the sofa.

2016-03-23 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette smiled a little, "Of course. I'll see you two tonight at the feast right?"

Andre knocked on the door, "Luciana, you don't honestly think I believe all that bullshit do you?"

Lucifer smiled a little and hung up her dress so it wouldn't wrinkle. "Can I get you anything?"

2016-03-23 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled."Of course we'll be there. Teddy is starving himself for it." She giggled.

Luciana put her headphones on and blasted her music as she sat on the bed.

"Yes, new ankles."Lilith chuckled.

2016-03-24 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette chuckled softly, "Good thing I ordered extra."

Andre sighed heavily and walked to the room next to hers. He walked through, going to the balcony and climber over the rail to hers. He tried the balcony door to her room and sighed when he realized it was lovked. So he sat down and waited.

Lucifer chuckled softly

2016-03-24 [Cerulean Sins]: Claude grinned when he held his finger to his lips as he walked behind Rosetta then he picked her up and spun her around."Hey Rosie Belle!" He chuckled then he tossed her into the air, he used his powers to keep her their.

"Claude!" Rosetta giggled as he spun her around but when he left her hanging in the air she crossed her arms over her chest."So I guess I'll be hanging around then?" She chuckled.

"Yup."Claude grinned then he looked at Damion."Well well well its the big bad bear back from Russia!" He smiled and clapped him on the shoulder then he looked at Antoinette."Hey Antoinette, or should I call you My Queen?"He smiled.

Luciana finished unpacking and she sat on the bed, sighing. She didn't even notice Andre.

"Chuckling won't make my ankles feel any better."Lilith smiled.

2016-03-24 [GlamGamer]: Thorn watched Claude and the others interact with Antoinette. But he couldn't help but sneak glances at Rosetta.

Antoinette chuckled softly. "Oh please don't call me that. It feels strange."

Andre simply wated, playing with his water magic while he did.

Lucifer nodded, "You're right. I'm very sorry." he walked over to her, "Would a foot rub help?"

2016-03-24 [Cerulean Sins]: "Good because I will never call you Queen, Antoinette." Claude smiled then he looked at Thorn."Who's this?"

"Claude let me down, now."Rosetta pouted."Teddy help me!"

Luciana really didn't want to be here in a place with people that hated her. She curled up on the bed sobbing softly.

Lilith smiled."An ankle rub would be better, love."

2016-03-24 [GlamGamer]: Damion chuckled softly and shifted into his bear form. Standing on his hind legs he could easily reach her, taking her foot and pulling her down.

Antoinette smiled, "This is Thorn, my fiance."

Thorn was staring at Damion in awe of how tall he was as a bear. He looked at Claude, "Hi. Yes, sorry, Thorn Silverleaf."

Andre frowned a bit as he watched her. She was defeated by all this. That killed him. He eased back over the banister, giving her some time alone for now. He had to find a way to cheer her up

Lucifer chuckled, "Well, the ankles were a given."

2016-03-24 [Cerulean Sins]: "Thank you, Teddy."Rosetta smiled and once she was low enough she hugged Damion tightly, she nuzzled her face against his muzzle.

"Ah yes the fiancé."Claude narrowed his eyes at Thron."You make her cry, you hurt her, you make her sad, you do anything that she doesn't want then I will take all the air out of your body and watch you die while I eat popcorn." Claude smiled.

Luciana sobbed softly as she hugged a pillow tightly.

Lilith smiled."Thank you love."

2016-03-24 [GlamGamer]: Damion gave a happy grunt and slowly eased down so she wouldn't fall down.

Thorn glanced at her and then nodded, "Fair enough."

Antoinette just shook her head a little, but she was smiling, "Shall we go inside everyone?"

Andre paced the kitchen, unsure of how he could help.

Lucifer smiled a little and picked her up, moving her to the lounge couch, he put her feet in his lap and started rubbing her ankles

2016-03-24 [Cerulean Sins]: "Thank you Teddy."Rosetta smiled as her feet where sat on the grass.

Claude raised an eyebrow at Thron's answer then looked at Antoinette."Sure."He smiled.

Luciana wiped her face clean then she stared out the window.

"Thank you, love."Lilith smiled then she moaned softly."Oh that's good, Lucifer."

2016-03-24 [GlamGamer]: Damion shifted back to human form and smiled, "Of course."

Thorn nodded a little, linking their arms and walking with her inside, "Shall we play cards or something of that nature?"

Antoinette smiled, "That sounds like fun." she looked at Claude, "So, where have you been breaking hearts lately?"

Andre fished out a tub of ice cream and two spoons before goung back to try again.

Lucifer just smiled.

2016-03-24 [Cerulean Sins]: "Teddy and I will catch up. We need to clean up the picnic." Rosetta said to them and she held Damion's hand tightly, her nails slightly digging into his hand.

"At my new protector school in Rome. Oh it's amazing, Antoinette. The girls there are beaut."Claude grinned.

Luciana stared out the window sighing and frowning.

"How fat are my feet?"Lilith asked softly.

2016-03-25 [GlamGamer]: Damion frowned softly, watching them walk away. Once they were out of earshot he looked at her. "What's wrong?"

Antoinette chuckled and smiled "I bet they are."

Andre appeared on the balcony with the icecream. He held up a sign "I don't hate you. Would I waste icecream on an enemy?" it said.

Lucifer looked at her, "They are not fat."

2016-03-25 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta let go of Damion's hand then she jumped up, wrapped her legs around his hips and her arms around his neck. She hid her face against his neck."Thron is my soulmate."She sobbed softly.

"Oh they are and they slap pretty hard too."Claude grinned.

Luciana sighed when she saw Andre then she got out of bed, walked over to balcony door, unlocked it and opened it."Go away."

Lilith raised an eyebrow."Are you lying to me, my love?"

2016-03-25 [GlamGamer]: Damion hugged her tightly. He didn't say anything at first, "We have to tell Antoinette.. Or maybe he will. I doubt he would publically embarrass her or you." he said gently.

Antoinette laughed again, "Ah, I take it that means you haven't dreamt of your soulmate then."

Andre pouted, "But I brought your favorite." he held up the icecream, "Come on. Don't you want to bitch? I'm great at listening."

"My dear, I wouldn't. Your belly is bigger because our child is in there. Your breasts are deliciously bigger too. And yes, your ankles are swollen. That is not because of fat."

2016-03-25 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta shook her head."We can't tell anyone, Teddy. I'm serious. Antoinette would be so upset. Please promise not to say to anyone about this and also promise you'll keep me far away from Thron as possible." She said as she sobbed.

"Nope. My family don't dream of ours until our 30's. So I got plenty of time to play the field."Claude grinned.

"No I do not want to bitch. Now go away."Luciana glared. Oh how she really wanted to bitch about everything but she couldn't, not to Antoinette's cousin.

"Of course you would bring my breasts into this. Your such a perv."Lilith smiled.

2016-03-25 [GlamGamer]: "Why would she be upset. If anything she would be happy for you Rose." Damion frowned

"How will we survive." Antoinette teased.

Andre shrugged, "Fine, I'll start. That bitch Corarose turned Atoinette into a bitch. A big one. A big one with a big ass." he raised a brow

Lucifer just grinned, "Well, that baby wasn't made by me being a prude."

2016-03-25 [Cerulean Sins]: "Because her fiancé is my soulmate. That's like stealing her boyfriend. It's wrong, Teddy. It's soo very very wrong." Rosetta frowned.

"Awww look at you being all sad that we never had our shot."Claude teased.

Luciana shook her head."I won't take part in this."

"Oh that is so very very true."Lilith chuckled.

2016-03-25 [GlamGamer]: "He's your soulmate. You can't help that. But she can change who she's marrying."

Antoinette chuckled softly, "Ah yes, what a heartbreak that would have been."

Andre just shrugged, "She misses you. She even bought you a bridesmaids dress, after the fight... It's like she wants nothing more than to be your friend again and something is blocking her."

Lucifer chuckled softly and leaned over, kissing her gently

2016-03-25 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta shook her head."I don't care. Just keep this a secret, Teddy."

Claude chuckled."That it would have been."

"I don't care..."Luciana walked over to the bed and sat on it, hugging a pillow to her chest.

Lilith kissed him back."I'm hungry."

2016-03-25 [GlamGamer]: Damion frowned a little, kissing the top of her head, "Whatever you want of me."

Antoinette walked into the card room, "Are you hungry or thirsty boys?"

Andre sat down, popping open the icecream. He took a big spoonfull. "So that's it huh? You're just gonna give up?"

Lucifer smiled, "What would you like?"

2016-03-25 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta kissed his cheek."Thanks, Teddy." She cuddled him tightly."Your the best. I love you so much."

"Both."Claude smiled.

Luciana picked up the other spoon."Yup. That's it." She took a spoonful of icecream.

Lilith smiled."Fries, chicken gravy and cheddar cheese with fried onions."

2016-03-25 [GlamGamer]: Damion smiled a little, "I love you too hon."

Antoinette smiled and asked a maid to bring up a few things.

Thorn sat down at the card table, "So, Claude, what school are you attending in Rome?"

"Corarose wins just like that?" he put his spoonfull in his mouth

Lucifer nodded, "I'll be back." he stood carefully, putting her feet on the couch, and then stepped out of the room.

2016-03-25 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled at him as she wipes away her tears.

Claude looked at Thron."City of Rome's Protector School Academy."

"Yup."Luciana sighed then she put the spoonful in her mouth.

Lilith smiled."Oh and hot sauce but not too hot."She called.

2016-03-25 [GlamGamer]: "Come on, let's keep walking the gardens."

Thorn nodded, "A very go. Good school. You like it there obviously. Are you staying after you graduate?"

Andre just shook his head, "Well. I'll just have to take her on myself then."

Lucifer chuckled, "Yes my love!"

2016-03-26 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta nodded a little."Okay." She whispered then she got off him, held his hand and started walking.

"Yeah its a good school." Claude nodded as he sat."Meh I'll see what happens after graduation."

Luciana raised an eyebrow."Your gonna take her on?"

Lilith smiled as she rested.

2016-03-26 [GlamGamer]: Damion brought her hand up and kissed the back of it. "It will be ok."

Thorn nodded, "Well if you decide it's the place to be I have family there. A protective person like you is someone they would love to have around."

"Your lack of confidence in me hurts, deeply." Andre sighed soflty, "And yes, I would take her on. She hurt my friend and did something to my cousin. I don't appreciate that."

2016-03-26 [Cerulean Sins]: "Thanks, Teddy."Rosetta said softly.

"Are you trying to gain my favour by offering me a job?"Claude raised an eyebrow.

"Blah blah blah."Luciana rolled her eyes, her fire slightly flickered.

2016-03-26 [GlamGamer]: Damion smiled gently.

Thorn chuckled , "No. But I have a niece I'm rather fond of in Rome."

"Oh. Attitude, I like it." Andre chuckled. "But I get it. You're scared of her. Don't worry, I'll take care of you."

2016-03-26 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled a little."Your the best."

"I see."Claude shrugged.

Luciana reached over, gripping his neck."Did you just call me scared? I am not scared if anything or anyone, understand Fae?!" She snarled and her fire was back.

2016-03-26 [GlamGamer]: Damion smiled to her, "That's what you say. But I don't think anyone agrees."

Antoinette chuckled softly, "Be nice Claude."

Andre adjusted a little so he could speak better, "That's more like it. That's the Princess of Hell I met."

2016-03-26 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled."Thats because no one knows you like I do, Teddy."

Claude looked at Antionette."What? I'm always nice." he pouted."Oh speaking of nice! Have you heard that Rosetta has been dreaming of her soulmate?" he grinned.

Luciana squeezed his throat."Shut up, Fae."She snarled.

2016-03-26 [GlamGamer]: Damion smiled a little, "True."

Antoinette gasped, "Oh yay! Obviously not her Teddy." she chuckled softly, "I bet they're kind of releaved."

Andre couldn't help but chuckle, "Wrong time to mention that's a turn on I take it?"

2016-03-26 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled."Tell me more about your school."

"I lost a lot of money when she and Damion kissed and then zip happened. Then I lost even more money when news broke out about her dreaming of her perfect man. I always thought those two would get together. They are perfect for each other as girly as that sounds."Claude chuckled.

Luciana hissed at him as she let go of his neck then she got off the bed and put her hands on her hips."If they all think that I'm a bitch face lying cow Princess of Hell then that's what they will get!" She walked over to the dress bag, waved her hand, she unzipped the bag then she took out a very very very sexy dress."I think this dress says 'Hello, Princess of Hell has arrive, bitches.'" She smirked.

2016-03-26 [GlamGamer]: Damion smiled, "It's competitive. Everyone wants to be at the top, proove they're the best." Damion shrugged, "They'll all get good jobs, but they want the best. Protecting loyalty and such."

Antoinette laughed, "I don't know. There is such thing as too perfect. What would they fight about so they could make up?"

Andre rubbed his neck, wondering if this is really what hhe had wanted to unleash. He supposed this was better. She was fighting at least.

2016-03-26 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta frowned."Are you okay about being my protector? You know it won't be all that exciting. I know I'm a council mans daughter but....still not that exciting."

"Food. They always fight over food. Damion eats junk food while Rosetta is a veggie. So yeah that's all they would fight over for about two seconds before Rosetta does that pout with the teary eyes and big cartoon eyes that melts your heart into giving in. I swear that girl is so evily innocent." Claude chuckled.

"How long until this stupid ass dinner?" Luciana asked.

2016-03-29 [GlamGamer]: Damion just chuckled softly, "Of course I'm happy being your protector. I don't want all of...This." He motioned around them.

"Didn't you notice the food at their picnic? There were only fruits and veggies. I've never known Damion to 'starve' himself just because he's looking forward to a feast."

"Three hours." Andre sat up, rubbing his throat a little. Then he took another bite of ice cream and shrugged a little.

2016-04-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "Hopefully we don't have all this fancy stuff. I need to find out from dad when the next family is due to rule. I heard our Queen's life rose is dying. So that means Thorn's family won't be royally anymore."Rosetta said as they walked. Nymphs didn't share often about their democracy.

"Either Russia has changed him or Rosetta has brainwashed him." Claude chuckled.

"So I have three hours to look evil and fierce."Luciana smirked.

2016-04-01 [GlamGamer]: Damion nodded a bit, "I imagine Antoinette is giving them a station in her court. She's marrying him for money to rebuild... They would want something for their other decendants too, not just Thorn being King. That wouldn't give his nieces and nephews anything.."

"I think you're pulling that off just fine." He said before eating another spoonfull of icecream. His neck was already showing the bruises.

"I imagine it's Russia. He went to a very difficult school."

2016-04-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta nodded a little."Most likely." She pulled her phone out of her back pocket when it started ringing."Hello? Oh hey mom. Yeah am with Teddy. Sure we'll meet you all out front. Yeah, love you." She hung up and put her phone back."Teddy our parents are pulling up at the front of the place." She smiled."Did you know that Antoinette and Thorn had invited them?"

Luciana rolled her eyes."Blah blah blah."

"Yeah Russia is a tough as hell school." Claude sighed.

2016-04-01 [GlamGamer]: Damion shook his head a little, "I didn't." he sighed heavily, "That means my parents are here." he rolled his eyes and walked with her to the front steps."

Andre shrugged a little, "I speak only the truth.... Usually."

Antoinette grabbed the deck of cards, "Shall we play?" she nooded to the maid who set up snacks and drinks for them

2016-04-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled."I can't wait to see dad. I haven't seen him in so long. He's been super busy with council work cause ya know our queen is dying."

Luciana shrugged."Oh really now? Only usually?" She raised an eyebrow.

Claude grinned."Your in the gambling mood."

2016-04-01 [GlamGamer]: Damion smiled a little, "Well they'll be happy to see you.. My parents on the other hand." he shrugged

Antoinette smiled a bit, "Small stakes game, but yes."

Andre shrugged, "Gotta keep some things a mystery."

2016-04-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "Why would they not be glad to see you?"Rosetta frowned.

Claude grinned."Game on." He sat down.

"I guess."Luciana shrugged.

2016-04-01 [GlamGamer]: "Because he hasn't sent ONE letter home. Not even a damn postcard." his mother barked when she got out of the car. She looked at Rosetta and smiled, "Always good to see you dear." she looked at her son with a glare.

Thorn made a cup of tea for Antoinette and came back to the table.

Andre chuckled softly. He slid off of the bed, "You want the icecream or should I go put it up?"

2016-04-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smacked his arm."Teddy! How could you not write to your parents?! For shame!" She frowned at him then she ran over to his mother and hugged her."Momma Bear."

"Damion Watkins! How dare you not write to your own mother?! She was worried sick about you, young man!" Rosetta's mother, Blossom glared then she smiled."Oh sweetie! It's good to see that your alive." She rushed over and hugged him.

"Deal the cards oh mighty queen."Claude smiled.

"One more spoonful."Luciana smiled, she grabbed a spoon and took a spoonful and she noticed the bruises on his neck from when she had grabbed his throat. She put the spoonful into her mouth and ate the ice cream.

2016-04-01 [GlamGamer]: Damion cleared his throat, trying to explain but she was already hugging him. "It's a bit difficult to get a letter out or in.. I've only been able to send a couple to Rosetta.. Only cause the guys on mail duty think she's my girl."

Antoinette chuckled softly and shuffled the cards before dealing them out.

Andre watched her, then for up and stretched, "Now that my work here is done, I'll leave you in peace

2016-04-02 [Cerulean Sins]: Blossom frowned at Damion."You should have still gotten a letter to your mother. She has been so worried. I had to stop her from calling you school."She said softly, patting his cheek then she walked over to her husband.

Rosetta hugged Damion's father."Hey Papa bear." She smiled.

"So do you know if the Prince and Princess of Hell have arrived yet?"Claude asked.

"Oh before you go."Luciana said as she walked over to him. She grabbed his head and tiled it back, she leaned down a little and licked the bruises on his neck.

2016-04-03 [GlamGamer]: His mother came to him, grabbing his cgin. But instead of scolding him, she relaxed and pulled him in for a hug.

Antoinette nodded, "They did arrive, yes."she said softly as she started dealing the cards.

Andre did his best not to react, but he still broke out into goosebumps. "Thanks." he said. "I'll see you tonight."

2016-04-03 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta walked over to her mum and dad and got a group hug off them."I missed you both so much."

Blossom smiled."Oh my sweet little Rose, we missed you too."

Rosetta's father,Ambrose smiled and kissed the top of her head."Its good to see you my little Rose bud."

"Hopefully they keep out of the way."Claude said as he sipped his drink.

"See you tonight. Thanks for the pep talk."Luciana smiled as she let go of his head and walked over to the bathroom as she takes off her shirt, tossing it onto the bed.

2016-04-04 [GlamGamer]: Damion's mother was talking to him, probably scolding him while hugging him tightly.

Antoinette nodded a little, "Yes, hopefully." she said softly.

Thorn leaned forward and put a hand over hers, "You alright?"

Andre nodded, "Tonight." he left her room, shutting to door behind him.

2016-04-04 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta looked at her dad and her smile fell."Your's different."

Ambrose sighed."We'll talk later, Rosetta."

Claude watched Thorn."No she isn't because Luciana use to be her best friend until Antoinette found out that Luciana was a lying cunt."

Lucian stripped off her clothes before going into the bathroom for a nice bath.

2016-04-04 [GlamGamer]: Damion pulled back from his mother and hugged his father before looking to Rose, frowning because she seemed nervous.

Thorn frowned, he saw something more behind the look on her face.

Antoinette frowned, "Claude." she looked at her fiance and put a hand over his, "I'm fine. Everything will be fine after the wedding."

2016-04-04 [Cerulean Sins]: "No now."Rosetta pouted as she put her hands on her hips.

Ambrose sighed loudly as he picked up Rosetta, putting her over his shoulder."Alright but not out here." He walked into the place with Blossom."Hey Watkins it's time to tell the kids. Come on." He called back to Damion and his parents because his news concerned both Rosetta and Damion.

"What? Its true." Claude shrugged.

2016-04-06 [GlamGamer]: Damion scowled softly, following them into the palace until they were in a private area. "Is something wrong Sir?"

Antoinette sighed softly, "It may be, but she's still a Princess. And her father is Lucifer."

2016-04-06 [Cerulean Sins]: Blossom frowned."We really didn't want this to happen. We new it would be our turn to rule the Nymphs but we didn't know which member of the family would be queen."

"You see Damion there are serval council members who govern the Nymphs. My family is known as The Red Rose Council. Thorn's family is known as the Black Rose Council. So each council has a shot at being Queen. So once a family has been selected, then the other council members pick the next Queen."Ambrose sighed as he put down his daughter with a sad look on his face."Rosetta your going to be the next Queen of the Nymphs."

"WHAT?!?!?!?!" Rosetta screeched then she shook her head."You lying to me, dad! Stop joking. I can't be queen. I don't want to be."

"Such a big deal. Lucifer owes you one, Antoinette. So he won't do shit to you." Claude shrugged.

2016-04-06 [GlamGamer]: Damion couldn't help but laugh, just a quick bark of laughter. He raised a hand, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh. I was just thinking.." he looked at Rosetta, "We were talking earlier about how she doesn't want anything like.. Well like this." he motioned around them. Her put a hand on Rosetta's shoulder,"It'll be ok." he said softly

Antoinette frowned a little, "Lucifer owes no one anything, least of all me." she shook her head, "Let's play."

2016-04-06 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta looked up at Damion."No it won't. Being Queen means I'll live for a 200 years and watch everyone I love die. That means you too....I'll watch you die, Teddy." She shook her head, her green hair flying around her face then she looked at her parents."I refuse to be Queen. You can NOT make me do this."

"Rosetta...please understand that our family, your father, had no say in it at all. The other families choose you for a reason. Your compassion, your heart, your kindness towards others. Yes, you will watch those you love die but that is life. You will be a great Queen, Rosetta." Blossom said softly.

"I'm so sorry, Rosetta."Ambrose said softly.

"Sure. What are we playing?"Claude asked.

2016-04-06 [GlamGamer]: Damion frowned a little, knowing how lonely it was going to be for her if she didn't have her King at her side through all that. He gave a smile though, "Hey, quit freaking out." He put his hands on her cheeks, "I'm going to have at least ten cubs, who will each have ten of their own, and it'll keep going like that until you're the first Queen with all bears for guards." he teased, "And they'll all be as stubborn and bullheaded as I am. And one day you'll be cursing my name and all of my decendants."

"Poker?" Antoinette asked, going back to shuffling the cards.

2016-04-06 [Cerulean Sins]: "No....I can't Teddy."Rosetta whispered as tears ran down her face then she ran out of the room, sobbing.

"Rosetta!"Ambrose called and he was going to go after her but he was stopped by his wife."Blossom."

"Don't you Blossom me. Leave her be." Blossom said softly then she looked at Damion."Freeze mister! Leave her be. Rosetta needs time to cool down, get her head straight and then we can talk to her. But in the main time catch up with your parents."Blossom said sternly.

"Sure."Claude grinned.

2016-04-06 [GlamGamer]: Damion froze, watching after her. He sighed and nodded, "Yes Ma'am."

His mother raised a brow, "Oh lord. What have they done to my son?" she grabbed Damion's face, checking for a fever. She sniffed him, "You smell like fruit.."

Antoinette smiled a bit, "Good. I'm afraid that's all I know how to play."

2016-04-06 [Cerulean Sins]: "Your son actually listened to me. Whoa...."Blossom said softly."Russia has really changed him."

Rosetta sobbed as she ran down the halls, passing the doorway that Antoinette, Claude and Thorn where in, she kept on running until she got outside to the garden.

Claude glanced up at the door when he heard a girl crying but he didn't noticed it was Rosetta.

2016-04-06 [GlamGamer]: Damion pulled away, "Mom, I'm fine." he chuckled softly.

Antoinette frowned when she heard someone run by.

Thorn did notice it was Rosetta, his heart hurt, "Hey, I need to use the restroom. I'll be right back." he smiled and stood up, heading out the door. He pretended to get directions from one of the guards, then followed his heart to Rosetta.

2016-04-06 [Cerulean Sins]: Blossom sighed."You where right, Rosetta didn't take it well at all." She said to Damion's mother.

"No worries. We'll put the game on pause."Claude said with a smile.

Rosetta sobbed as she hugged a tree. She just couldn't be queen and watch her friends and family die.

2016-04-06 [GlamGamer]: "She'll be ok." She assured Blossom, "She's a strong girl."

Antoinette stood and got more tea, "So, have you spoken to Victoria lately?"

Thorn followed after her. He wanted to reach out and hold her but he wasn't sure if she would be ok with that. "Rosetta?"

2016-04-06 [Cerulean Sins]: "I hope so."Blossom sighed.

"Yeah we texted and called while I was away in Italy. She's been busy being the Lady of the vamps."Claude said.

Rosetta froze for a moment then she looked over and saw Thorn."Yes?" She let go of the tree and she wiped her face.

2016-04-06 [GlamGamer]: She hugged her, "Don't worry one bit. She'll meet her mate and things will settle into place as they should."

Antoinette smiled and nodded, "Its weird, being so young and in charge of older people. You're sitting there thinking 'it was just a few months ago you people barely trusted me to do my homework. Now you want me to rule?'. It kinda sucks."

Thorn frowned, stepping closer, "I.. I can call off the wedding. Antoinette already offered to. She knows I was dreaming about my mate.. She doesn't know it's you."

2016-04-06 [Cerulean Sins]: Blossom hugged her back."I know but I worry about her. She's my baby girl. My last child."

"Yeah that's how Victoria feels."Claude said as he sipped his coffee.

Rosetta shook her head."I can NOT deal with whatever this is, okay Thorn. Not now..."She started crying again.

2016-04-06 [GlamGamer]: She smiled a little and looked at Damion, "I know how you feel."

Antoinette chuckled softly. Then looked to the door. "Let's play a hand, just us. Who knows which bathroom he's getting lost trying to find."

Thron frowned a bit, then it clicked for him, "You're going to be Queen." He said softly

2016-04-06 [Cerulean Sins]: "Our babies are all grown up now." Blossom sighed then she smiled at Ambrose."I want more babies."

"Okay."Ambrose smiled.

Claude chuckled."Alright."

"Shut up! I'm not going to be Queen. I will never become Queen. I can't be Queen....I can't be..."Rosetta sobbed and she knelt on the grass.

2016-04-07 [GlamGamer]: "Ha! You two are brave.. I'm done. We're going on a real honeymoon next year." Morgan, Damion's mother, said while giving her mate a glare.

Antointette dealt the cards for them, smiling a little.

"Room for one more?" Victoria's voice came from the doorway. She was in tight leather pants, a flowing sheer crop top, and platform heels.

Thorn watched her, knowing just how she felt. He honestly didn't think anyone wanted to be Queen in their world, especially someone so young. He didn't want her to keep crying alone. It was breaking his heart. He knelt down next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

2016-04-07 [Cerulean Sins]: "Finally your going to get that honeymoon. Congrats, Morgan."Blossom smiled brightly.

"Well well well look at you, Victoria. Your looking mighty fine."Claude grinned.

Rosetta sobbed, heart breaking sobs as she hugged Thorn tightly. Yes she was going against everything she had said to Damion and she knew it was wrong but she couldn't help herself. Her heart was crying out for Thorn while it was also breaking because of being Queen.

2016-04-07 [GlamGamer]: "Yes. Yes I am. Even if I have to go alone." She chuckled softly, then looked to them, "Don't worry though, we're finding a couple of people to take our places while we're away."

Victoria smiled a bit, "Being the boss suits me." She joked and walked over to him. "Look at you, you're getting tan... Or I'm getting even more pale."

Antoinette chuckled softly, "Both, I think."

Thorn held onto her, doing his best to comfort her. He didn't know what to do to make things better.

2016-04-08 [Cerulean Sins]: Blossom laughed softly."I highly doubt you'll be alone on your honeymoon." She glanced over at Damion and she could see he wanted to go to Rosetta. She sighed softly."On you go, Damion. Go find her and calm her down." She smiled.

"Italian sunshine does wonders for the complexion."Claude grinned.

"I can't be Queen and I can't be with you."Rosetta sobbed as she held onto him. She was so confused about everything and she wasn't thinking properly.

2016-04-11 [GlamGamer]: Damion smiled a little, "Thank you." he said before taking off to find her.

Victoria smiled a little, "Moonlight does wonders if you want to be incredibly pale."

Thorn played with her hair a little, "You can be Queen. You have a lot of support, a lot of people who love you." He didn't say that she would have him. He couldn't marry Antoinette, he couldn't.

2016-04-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Blossom chuckled as she watch Damion run off.

"So that means you moonlight bathe?"Claude asked then he grinned."Any tan lines?"

Rosetta shook her head as she pulled away from him."No. Being Queen means I'll live for 200 years and see everyone I love die. I will also be reasonable for every earth nymph."

2016-04-11 [GlamGamer]: Thorn sighed softly, "I know what it means.. My family wasn't picked because our last Queen was from our family." he sighed softly, "She didn't want to be Queen either... And she was one of the few nymphs who never dreamed of her mate.." he said softly.

Damion found them, "Rosey?"

Victoria just chuckled, "A lady would never say." she picked up hed cards and looked at them.

Antoinette laughed, looking to a guard as he approached. The man whispered somthing in her ear and she nodded, "Thank you." she said as a dismissal

2016-04-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta was about to respond then she looked at Damion."Teddy....." She rushed over to him, hugging him tightly.

"I'll find out later."Claude grinned then he looked at Antoinette."What wrong, Antoinette?"

2016-04-11 [GlamGamer]: Thorn flinched a little at the glare Damion was giving him and stood, making his way back inside to the poker game.

Victoria just smirked, "You wish." she turned serious when the guard approached.

Antoinette smiled and waved a hand, "Nothing's wrong. Apparently my cousin has taken to climbing the side of the castle and was making people nervous. He's an adrenalin junkie now."

2016-04-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta saw Thorn walking away."Thorn....I'm sorry." She said softly then she looked up at Teddy."Once the meal is over with.....can we go and get really drunk, please?"

"Oh I do wish. Every single night."Claude grinned then he looked at Antoinette."Is that your asshole cousin or the nosey cousin?"

2016-04-11 [GlamGamer]: Damion nodded a little, "Of course we can." he hugged her tighter.

Victoria rolled her eyes a little.

Antoinette chuckled softly, "Niether, Andre. My other two cousins still haven't come back or spomen to me."

2016-04-11 [Cerulean Sins]: "I told Thorn I can't be with him...."Rosetta whispered as she held onto him tightly.

Claude frowned."Hang on. Andre who is like a brother to you hasn't spoken to you? How long has this been going on for?"

2016-04-11 [GlamGamer]: Damion hugged her tightly, "I don't know why not. They'll extend his life too since you're soulmates."

"Andre and I speak... Sometimes. He thinks that some demonness has been tarnishing Luciana's name instead of it being her own actions." she shrugged a little. "He can't go back to France because he's a criminal there.." she shrugged

2016-04-11 [Cerulean Sins]: "I know feels like I broke the girl code. Hoes before bros." Rosetta sighed, hiding her face against his chest.

"Andre is a fool if he believes that. Luciana tricked us all and now she is paying the price for it."Claude said firmly.

2016-04-11 [GlamGamer]: "But you didn't Rosetta. You didn't pick him out of a group to be your soulmate. That's what mother earth wants for you."

Antoinette just shrugged a little, "He may believe as as he wants." she nodded to their game, "Come now, this isn't how you play poker." she made a bet

2016-04-11 [Cerulean Sins]: "I know, Teddy but I can't help feel like I betrayed Antoinette." Rosetta sighed, she nuzzled her face against his chest.

Claude shrugged."lets play."

2016-04-11 [Cerulean Sins]: [Shall we skip to the dinner?]

2016-04-11 [GlamGamer]: [yeah, that works :)]

2016-04-11 [Cerulean Sins]: [Awesome :D]

2016-04-12 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette was walking with her arm linked with Thorn's. She had been quiet for most of the night, but she was trying to cheer up. Mostly because she was worrying Thorn and she didn't want that. She was in a deep red short dress with her hair up for the dinner that night. The rehearsal dinner if you will. Her dress complimented Thorn's outfit- he was wearing Navy slacks with a matching vest, his white shirt sleeves rolled up to show off his tattoos. She looked up from the floor and right into Wrath's eyes. Her breath caught, heart pounding in her throat. Damn him, after all this time her heart still thudded at the site of him. He looked good in his suit.

Thorn felt Antoinette's hand clutch his arm and looked at Wrath, Lucianna, Lilith and Lucifer. He didn't know who they were, but he bowed his head to them before gently steering Antoinette away from them. When she whispered 'thank you' he just smiled and kissed her cheek.

Andre was following the royal couple, so he saw them next. He was about to whistle at how Luciana looked, but her brother and father were there, so he thought it was wise not to. He did a deep bow to them. When he straightened out he smiled and then followed his cousin inside the dinning room.

Damion was waiting for Rosetta, leaning against the wall across from her door. He was in nice black slacks, a black button up shirt. He would blend in with security if it wasn't for his purple tie.

Victoria was already inside of the dinning room. She ran her fingers threw her hair, making sure the curls were all staying pulled forward over her shoulder. She looked around the room for a familiar face so she could sit next to them. Most there seemed a bit weary of her.

<img300*0:> Antoinette's dress

<img300*0:> Victoria's dress

2016-04-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath glanced up and saw Antoinette, he bowed his head out of respect. He didn't like that this wimpy Nymph was all over Antoinette but he knew this boy would be good for her, way better than he would be. Wrath wore a pure black suit with a blood red tie, his curly mop of hair was groomed and styled thanks to his step-mother.

Luciana stared at Antoinette with an eyebrow raised as she passed then she smirked at Andre. Tonight would be the night that those former friends of hers would learn what the Princess of Hell could do. She cracked her knuckles ready for a night of fun.

Claude grinned when he saw Victoria, he slowly walked over to her and he dragged as finger down her back."No tan lines. Knew it."He chuckled. He wore a black suit and a grey tie.

Rosetta opened her door and smiled at Damion."Aren't you looking very damper, Teddy." Her pale green hair was wavy around her shoulders and down."Promise you won't leave my side tonight,Teddy. I don't think I've ever need you to protect me before."She chuckled.

<img:stuff/aj/191164/1460450079.jpg> Luciana's dress
<img:stuff/aj/191164/1460450344.jpg> Lilith's dress
<img500*0:stuff/aj/191164/1460450372.jpg> Rosetta's dress

2016-04-12 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette took a deep breath as she steadied herself. Once they were at their seats, at the head of the long table, she was a little back to normal. "I thought I would be over him by now." She whispered like an apology.

Thorn faced her and ran his hands up and down her arms, "Deep breath, you're trembling." He lifted her chin, "You love him." He hugged her when she nodded.

Lucifer looked at his daughter, knowing full well she had nothing good planned. He sighed softly because he wasn't sure if he should intervene. If she wanted to do something that might damage her reputation, who was he to stop her? Of course with most of these people her reputation was already ruined... But this would be her, not Corarose, not something he could fix.

Victoria's skin broke out into goosebumps, which was odd considering how cold her skin was compared to his. She looked at him and smiled a little, "Most women don't have tan lines there." She smirked, "It's other spaces that shall remain unknown to you." She ran a finger along his jaw and then turned to the table, "Shall we?"

Damion smiled when he saw her, holding his arm out to her, "I wont leave your side even if Mother Earth demands it herself."

2016-04-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana sat back down, sipping her champagne. She knew that Fae loved music and as it was tradition that each race sings a song to the soon to be married couple. Luciana had been chosen to sing and she knew what song to sing to Antoinette and Thorn.

Claude grinned."I will find away, Victoria. Never doubt my skills." He held her hand and walked to the table."We shall."

Rosetta smiled as she hugged Damion."Thank you, Teddy." 

2016-04-12 [GlamGamer]: Thorn kissed the top of her head before pulling out her chair. He hoped he wouldn't hurt her when he told her that his mate was here, and that she couldn't marry Antoinette.

Victoria just chuckled softly. Oh if only the boy knew that all he needed to do was ask.

Damion hugged her tightly for a few minutes, then led her to the dinning room. "I'm starving..."

2016-04-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana glanced over at Victoria and Claude, who had been friends hers back in the day however now they both hate her just as much as Antoinette. She sighed and sipped her champagne. Tonight would be awkward.

Lilith looked at Luciana and Wrath."Right you two, just behave for once in your lives. Do not start any of your shit while we are here, however once we leave and go back to Hell then yes, do whatever you want but until then be....good." It almost killed her to say the word good because it was against there nature to be good. Evil ran through there veins. She glanced over and saw Victoria."Lady Lord, how good to see you." She smiled as she stood up and walked over to her.

Wrath and Luciana just nodded when Lilith pretty much warned them that if they fuck up then she would fuck them up.

Claude looked over at Lilith."Wow so your the famous Lilith I've heard all about. Well King Lucifer is sure one lucky man to have such a beautiful woman in his life." he smiled.

Lilith looked at Claude."Charmed, I'm sure." She looked at Victoria."Lady Lord did you get my email about our next meeting?"

"Yay! Your back to normal! Woot woot!" Rosetta cheered and laughed softly.

2016-04-12 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer nodded to Claude. "Indeed." he nodded to Victoria, "It seems as though you're lucky as well."

Victoria curtsied as low as she could in the tight dress. She nodded, "I did M'Lady. Although, I wonder if perhaps it would be easier for you if I came to you?"

Damion just chuckled softly and shook his head, "Oh shush."

2016-04-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Claude looked at Lucifer, it was the first time he had ever met the man. Claude could see the man's aura and it was dark but with flickers of gold and white. Claude bowed his head in respect to them both."Perhaps, your majesty."

"No. Meeting with you is the only time I actually get to leave Hell because this one has me on bed rest."Lilith poked Lucifer's arm, hard."Plus I enjoy our meetings." She enjoyed seeing Lil and the other little ones she had saved after discovering Victoria's family had been killed.

Luciana saw narrowed her eyes when she saw her parents talking to Victoria and Claude. She stood up and walked over."Claude. Victoria." She smirked."I see you two finally got together. Congrats."

Rosetta laughed as they entered the dinning room."As if! You couldn't make me shush, Teddy." 

2016-04-12 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer cringed. "Please don't call me that. That's what Michael insists on being called now that he's in charge of Heaven." He looked at his daughter, his brow raising in a silent warning.

Victoria smiled, "They would miss you horribly. Marcus and Victor have both started walking, and their favorite word is baby." She looked at Luciana and bowed her head, "You flatter me Princess. Claude here is my friend."

2016-04-12 [Cerulean Sins]: "I'm Lucifer?"Claude said softly then he looked at Luciana."Here alone, Princess?" he smirked ever so slightly.

Luciana narrowed her eyes at Claude."Better to be alone than with a man whore." She smiled and flipped her hair and walked back to her seat.

"Luciana...."Lilith sighed."I'm so sorry. She's going through a rough time."

2016-04-12 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer sighed heavily at his daughter, rubbing his temples. He looked at Claude, "That's better." he said, going back to their conversation.

Victoria looked at Claude briefly and then looked to Lilith. "I heard. I imagine it hasn't been an easy time for all of you." she said easily. Lilith had been teaching her diplomacy, so even if she 'hated' Luciana- she didn't, she just didn't like her much anymore- she would never show it. Especially in front of them or to Luciana's face.

2016-04-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Claude smiled a little.

Lilith chuckled."Your diplomatic skills are coming along well, Victoria. Well done for not going after Luciana."

2016-04-12 [GlamGamer]: Victoria just smiled a little, "I don't have any reason to.." she patted Claude's hand, "Maybe a little. But I wouldn't." she looked at him and then looked around as everyone found their seats.

2016-04-12 [Cerulean Sins]: "Right well my ankles are sore, so we shall leave you to find your seats." Lilith said as she linked arms with Lucifer."Come on love."

Claude just smiled even though he wanted to go after Luciana.

2016-04-12 [GlamGamer]: Victoria nodded and watched them walk away, then started for seats for them. "Little brat." she grumbled softly and then ran her fingers threw her hair again.

2016-04-12 [Cerulean Sins]: "Oh I'm sure you could say much worse than that."Claude grinned as he kissed the back of her hand.

2016-04-12 [GlamGamer]: "I could, but I'm in the habit of not cussing anymore. I already have too much money in the swear jar." Victoria smiled a little, taking a seat.

Antoinette stood when everyone was seated. "I'm sure we're all hungry by now, so I'll keep it short and sweet. I want to thank you all for joining us the night before the wedding. I'm honored to have you all here." she nodded to the butlers, "Please enjoy!" she sat down as the food was brought out.

2016-04-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Claude chuckled as he sat next to her.

Rosetta looked at Teddy."Look your food is coming." She smiled.

2016-04-12 [GlamGamer]: Victoria turned slightly so she could see him better. "So tell me really, how has Rome been?"

Damion just chuckled softly and nodded, "As is yours." he grinned a little. "I am excited for some food though."

2016-04-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Claude smiled a little."A lot of hard work. Not as hard as what Damion went through but pretty close. As soon as I got the invite to the wedding I left a week early and just slept." He said truthfully.

"Real food."Rosetta smiled.

2016-04-12 [GlamGamer]: Victoria smiled a little, "Poor Claude." she kissed his cheek, "You look good though. You're all grown up now.. No more boyish looks, all man."

Damion smiled and nodded, over half of his plate was veggies and fruits, what was left was a good size steak. But no potatoes, which was one of his favorite things.

2016-04-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Claude smiled."You look even better, Victoria." He dragged a finger along her jaw then he started to eat his food.

Rosetta saw a steak on her plate." you want my steak?" She whispered softly.

2016-04-12 [GlamGamer]: Victoria smiled and quickly turned away. He was charming. She picked up her wine glass and sipped the blood and wine combination.

Damion looked over to her plate and nodded, taking the steak off, then he waved down a waiter and asked that they bring her the vegetarian option. Her new food was promptly delivered

2016-04-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Claude tucked into his steak dinner.

Rosetta smiled at Damion."Thanks, Teddy."

2016-04-12 [GlamGamer]: Victoria ate a little bit of her food, chatting with Claude about school and his plans after graduation that summer. There was a part of her that missed school, but she had enough to deal with already.

Damion smiled and nodded, "Of course."

2016-04-12 [Cerulean Sins]: "So tell me about your work ruling the vampires?" Claude asked with a smile.

Rosetta thanked the waiter when he brought her the vegetarian option.

2016-04-12 [GlamGamer]: Victoria took a deep breath, letting it out slowly, "Well. It's trying. There are a few Elder vampires that are pissed that I'm the new Queen.." She frowned, staring at her wine, "I've had to become a major bitch, worse than I ever was at school. And most of it while smiling.. Lili says it's scary sometimes. I really don't like that."

Damion ate slowly, chatting with everyone around them, mostly Rosetta of course.

2016-04-12 [Cerulean Sins]: "No way. Your pulling my leg, right? I can't believe your a bigger bitch now than you where in high school." Claude chuckled softly.

Rosetta chatted with Teddy, his parents and her own parents.

Luciana chatted with her family but other than that no one else spoke to her but she did get some nasty looks.

2016-04-12 [GlamGamer]: Victoria looked at him, "Ouch... That hurts.. I must have been terrible in school."

Damion gave the rest of his steak over to his dad, unable to eat it all.

Antoinette and Thorn chatted, she was mostly telling him who everyone was.

2016-04-12 [Cerulean Sins]: "Well everyone was pretty much scared of you apart from the protectors and the princess of hell." Claude said then he took her hand and kissed the back of her hand."Sorry to be mean."

Rosetta looked at Damion."What is wrong with you?" She asked softly as she put her hand on his forehead."Your not ill." She has never seen Damion willingly give up a steak. She looked at his parents."Russia has changed him.....not sure if its for the better or worst."

2016-04-12 [GlamGamer]: Victoria smiled and shrugged a little, "To be honest Claude, I hated myself in school.. So I made sure everyone else did too. You're not being mean, you're being honest."

Damion just chuckled softly, "I can't pack that much in my stomach right now.. I'm sure once I'm out of school I'll start eating normally."

2016-04-14 [Cerulean Sins]: Claude shrugged."You shouldn't hate yourself."

Rosetta frowned."Oh Teddy..."

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